
Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  This time next week it will be CHRISTMAS!!!!!  I can't wait.  I just have one plane ride, one wedding and one 17 hour car ride to get through first.  I'm linking up with NarciAndrea and Erika to share this week's Friday Favorites! 

This little free library is right down the street from me and I love it!  I've already been there a couple times to leave a book and also to take a book (or 2!).  It's so cute and so much fun to see what books are there.

This week, my sweet little dog turned 13!  I love this picture.  I picked up this bone for her at Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming and as you can tell, she was so excited to have it that she refused to stand still for a picture.  She's even licking her lips in this picture!  Since Freedom is so little and the bone was so big (for her at least), Mom broke off pieces of it and gave it to her.  Mom then sent me a text later in the day saying Freedom kept following her around.  My dog may not be the brightest, but she knows when Momma's holding out on the good stuff!

 A friend of mine sent me this picture showing me that she made my Grinch cookies.  This made me so happy!  I've never had someone send me in a picture of something they've made from my blog -- it was exciting!

My adopted family in New Jersey invited me over for a gingerbread house making competition.  Every year, I'm the only person in my house to make one so it was fun to be with a bunch of people making them at the same time.  We all took the competition seriously.  Here's mine.  See the pretzels in the left corner?  I was so proud of myself.  I made a sled and had a gummy bear riding it.  Then someone told me they thought it was a gummy bear roasting in a fire.  Sigh.  Maybe it was just too creative for them! ;)

We separated the guys and the girls for the competition.  The girls got remade houses and the guys had to put theirs together.  This was mainly because they didn't have 10 kinds of one house.  The guys were sent to the garage to work and one of the girls said she walked by there and heard the drill going.  Lo and behold, she did.

The guys put all of their houses together to build this church.  Pretty impressive except that they used non-edible materials and were disqualified.  They had wood inside holding the church up, and we're pretty sure they used actual caulking, too, but they won't say either way.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!


  1. Actual caulking? That made me laugh a little this morning. We made one with our son last year and plan to do it again this year because he had so much fun. Have a great weekend!

  2. caulking---- hahaha!!! Love the creativity!!

    Stopping by from the link up!
    <3 Sarita it's my girls' world

  3. That bone treat is SO cute. Love it! Hope you have a great weekend :)

    - Seri
