
Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

I'm linking up with NarciAndrea and Erika to share this week's Friday Favorites! 

Have you checked out my Chocolate Peanut Balls yet?  If not, click here and try them right now!  I've been eating on them all week, between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, anytime.  Seriously, try them.

I saw Kelsey Ballerina, Sam Hunt and Lady Antebellum in concert last night.  I know I've already used Sam Hunt as a Friday Favorite before, but can you blame me for putting him on here again?  All the acts were so great and I was disappointed when their sets ended.  I wish everyone could have played longer.

Water is just about the only thing I drink, so when Trim Evolution offered me the chance to review their fruit infuser water bottle, I jumped at the chance!  Before, I would occasionally put fruit in my regular water bottle, but I'm not the the best at getting seeds out of lemon so I would no doubt end up getting seeds in my mouth.  Where the fruit was just floating around in the water, it would also cover the hole where I was trying to drink.  With this bottle, none of that happens!  The fruit is contained so I never have to worry about fruit stopping up my water bottle.  Also, there are several small holes, smaller than seeds!, so even if seeds do get in my water, I don't end up drinking them!  


  1. that concerts looks like so much fun I love country music!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! The concert was a blast. I saw Lady A about three years ago as well and they don't disappoint!
